Stressed Out
How can we overcome stress, God? I am fully stressed out! Hmmm! Why not go and drink some booze and then call me? Maybe try out some drugs! Is that you, God? Or is it some drug dealer? How can you talk like that? Ha, ha! I was just joking. But isn’t that what you human beings turn to when you are stressed? There are other ways too! Some play games, gamble, fights, beat someone up, waste themselves, have sex and do all sorts of obnoxious things. Well, those are the things man needs to avoid when he has too many troubles in life. Then should we try meditation or yoga ? Would going to places of worship help? If you think those are the things that could assist you to overcome your issues, then do it. Aren’t those connected to religion? I am not truly a follower of some beliefs. I just would like to be happy with my own belief system. That’s the right approach. You don’t need to have belief or faith in some strange God. You can place your faith in your own self. What do you mea...